Thursday, April 26, 2007

Java: En Guard Update #2

I didn't expect to be making another post about En Guard this quickly, however I ended up having some free time yesterday afternoon to work on the one remaining bug in the program. The bug in question being the fact that the word wrapping was occurring by character and not by entire words, so it was difficult to read at times. My thought process for solving this problem was simple, yet not quite as simple as the final solution. I assumed that the reason the wrapping was occurring by character was because I was saving the file's text to a StringBuffer one character at a time. So I created a new StringBuffer, nextWord, where I saved all the characters of one work and then added this variable to the final StringBuffer as a word block. The below code was written to carry out this experiment.

while ( ( != -1 ) {
if (c != 32)

nextWord.delete(0, nextWord.length());
textToDisplay.append((char)c); }


This code block replaced the original single line piece of code, which is colored above as it did remain in the block as well. For this code C is a char variable that as long as there are characters in the associated file then the loop is performed. A space character in this example is equal to 32 before it is converted to a char value, which is where the first part of the If statement comes from.

Once this code was written it was tested and lo and behold the same problem occurs. So I looked into the java API at the setLineWrap method and found that visible at the bottom of the page was a method named setWrapStyleWord. I was intrigued and once I looked into the method found that this was what I was looking for. Applying this method to both JTextAreas so that it was set to True solved my word wrapping problems. This resolved all of the outstanding issues with the En Guard Call Tracking System. I do have it in my mind to perhaps make the Platform and Entered By drop down menus alterable by the user as right now the lists are hard coded into the program. But that is for later, for now this program is considered completed for our work environment.

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