Monday, July 9, 2007

Diablo II: Six of One, Half Dozen of Another Tournament

Going a bit into the past here, but this was the very first tournament that I joined in the DiabloII Single Player Forum. The basic premise of this tournament is that your character can only be equipped with items that have a multiple of six in their description, anywhere in the description. At first this sounds very limiting, but as you get to playing you'll find that such items fall at a fairly regular pace.

Devils_Advocate was a lightning sorceress, a fairly overpowered build that I got rather good at on She's simply to play and since magic finding and rerunning of areas was allowed in this tournament the perfect character.

Questing through Normal and Nightmare was simple enough, some Near Death Experiences (NDE) were encountered but nothing to serious. Quite a bit of MFing was required in NM before moving onward to Hell, where things got very interesting. The going was rather slow in Hell, but I was able to get all the way to Act V before the guest monsters got the best of me. Encountered a pack that eliminated the mercenary and I panicked, which lead to deeds.

Regardless I see this as a successful tournament, not just because I ended up winning with the highest overall score either. This was my very first Hardcore character and I learned quite a bit that should help me with other tournaments, as well as my normal Softcore characters.

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