Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Java: Hotline Update #11

This time around the Hotline program did not lose any current options. Instead only two options were added, which made things extremely simple to update. In the OptionPanel class the new JButton variables were created and added to the very end of the GUI. Then the file output was updated to add the number of calls taken for these new categories to the very end of the file, so as not to displace any current call values.

This took care of the OptionPanel, the ReportPanel required just as few changes. Basically a new qualifier had to be created that covered the time from the last update (April 2009) to the new one (June 2009). Then the default qualifier, everything from June 2009 onward, covered the two new call categories. Those were the only changes required to include the new call categories. Now the page actually is full, before there were empty spots for JButtons in the display as I didn't have the correct number of options for full rows. Now I do so the GUI looks more complete.

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