Unreal Tournament 2004 (UT2004) is one of those games I've had for a while and never quite solved, or played much. It was purchased for a graphics programming class taken at Boston College and used in conjunction with Maya to create objects to be placed in a virtual environment, very much like a professional.
I've recently picked it back up and am having a ball. It's a nice break from anything requiring thought, as UT2004 is a pure first-person shooter game. I'm currently working through the tournaments in Single Player and am almost finished with the first round of them, on Average difficulty level. I've found that I'm decent with Deathmatches and Capture the Flag type games, however terrible in Assault and Bombing Run games. While I don't mind having to rely on teammates to accomplish the given mission, I just prefer to be able to accomplish everything myself if necessary.
In Bombing Run games that just isn't possible, as the one with the "ball" can't even shoot back at his/her enemies. So I end up giving the ball to my opponent simply so I can then shoot them and reclaim the ball. Unfortunately that doesn't always work very well. Capture the flag on the other hand I can fire back and defend myself if necessary, which makes it a far easier type game. Even with all that my favorite type is Deathmatch, preferably with many opponents.