A martial arts assassin is a melee fighter who relies mostly on charge up skills and kicks to deal damage to their enemies. Along with these they have several utility skills that provide excellent crowd control of monster packs. The skill setup is as follows:
Tiger Strike - 1
Claw Mastery - 1
Dragon Talon - 1
Psychic Hammer - 1
Burst of Speed - 1
At level six Burst of Speed becomes available, which enables the assassin to move and attack at extremely fast speeds. This skill will be the key to this build, as it will allow charge-ups to be obtained in rapid succession and therefore damage dealt to monster packs released with minimal time in between. Only one hard point here is needed as plus skills from equipment will handle the rest of the needed leveling.
Fists of Fire - 1
Dragon Claw - 1
Tiger Strike - 3
Cobra Strike - 1
Weapon Block - 1
Cloak of Shadows - 1
At level twelve to major skills become available; Cobra Strike and Cloak of Shadows. Cobra Strike allows the character to leech mana and life from monsters at extremely high rates, keeping the bulbs full at all times. Cloak of Shadows is the assassin's main crowd control skill, and should be utilized whenever a pack of monsters is encountered. Only one point is desired in both of these skills, as plus skills from equipment will handle the rest of the leveling needs.
Tiger Strike - 5
Claws of Thunder - 1
Dragon Tail - 1
Fade - 1
Shadow Warrior - 1
At level eighteen Shadow Warrior becomes available, which makes an excellent tank. This will allow the character to attack monsters at the edge of the pack for charge-up purposes before unleashing damage into the heart of the monster's formation.
Tiger Strike - 10
Blades of Ice - 1
Dragon Flight - 1
Dragon Flight is used in special circumstances only to teleport the assassin across the field. Extremely handy to escape from trapped positions and provide some breather room to regroup.
Tiger Strike - 14
Phoenix Strike - 1
Shadow Master - 1
At level thirty the ultimate tank becomes available, Shadow Master. The Shadow Master has the ability to cast their own Crowd Control spells, such as Mind Blast and Cloak of Shadows, which makes survivability for the main character exponentially easier. There is also the down side however, Mind Blast will be cast on a monster the main character is attack fairly often and this can lead to some confusing battles.
Tiger Strike - 20
Phoenix Strike - 20
Dragon Tail - 20
At level sixty-eight all of the main skills are maximized and now a decision must be made, which synergy to Phoenix Strike to dump the remaining points into. Since Dragon Tail provides extra fire damage then Fists of Fire is not really a consideration. Either of the two remaining options (cold/lightning) are viable and helpful, however the decision for me was quite easy. I found it extremely difficult to see how many glowing charge-up balls were floating around the character. Either monsters, barrels, trees or spell effects blocked the view of these charge-up indicators, so whenever they were released it was virtually impossible to tell what element was going to be given. Since lightning is the second of three charge-ups it is harder to force this skill to be released as cold, which is the last charge-up. As a result I suggest Blades of Ice as the synergy to increase.
Blades of Ice - 20
At level eighty-three the character is complete. Not many pieces of equipment are requirements for this character, however items with plus skills are extremely helpful due to the scaling factor of the martial arts skills and the need to increase some of the utility skills that receive only one hard skill point. Along with this a high damage set of boots is needed to provide the bulk of the damage from Tiger Strike and Dragon Tail. Goreriders or Shadow Dancers are the best choices for this.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Diablo II: Matriarch Nemesis
Nemesis is a recreation of a martial arts assassin I had started both on Battle.net and Single Player but never finished. On Bnet I quit and moved to SP, and on SP I restarted before I finished. As a result I've never even gotten an assassin into Hell, such an oversight had to be corrected.
As can be expected Normal was a bit difficulty to begin with, but once Tiger Strike was maximized the questing was fairly basic. Tactics weren't really required yet, even untwinkled. I did however have great difficulty once more skills became available. Up to this point I've always utilized the F* keys for my skills as normally I use no more than six skills overall. However for an assassin this simply wasn't possible. As a result I had to bind the A-S-D-F-Q-W-E-R-T keys, as I was finding myself getting more and more frustrated by the fact I couldn't select the needed skills quickly enough. Obviously this lead to some confusion for a while right after the switch trying to use potions, as my hand was in a different location. I can attribute a few Normal deaths to this issue.
Nightmare on the other hand, wasn't quite as easy as expected. A trip into the Blood Moor lead to a triple boss pack that killed off my poor barbarian mercenary and shadow master almost instantly and required lots of running around and trips back to town for potion restocks before they were eliminated. The mods weren't very dangerous, it was the cold damage the undead inflicted that was the problem. Being slowed simply didn't mesh with how Nemesis was intended to be played. So I muled on a pair of 20% faster attack speed gloves and a Ravenfrost ring to correct that issue.
Afterwards progress was fairly good. Charge-ups were used everywhere, no more normal attacks. The most dangerous monsters were either manaburn or undead, due to the inability to leech from them. Up until Act IV the normal packs were manageable, as were the act bosses. Duriel required some thawing potions as Nemesis still has zero, well now -30%, cold resistance. Duriel was also the only act boss to require a trip back to town to restock on health potions, both Andariel and Mephisto were easily dealt with due to the ability to leech from them.
Act IV lead to more problems due to the ramped up health/damage of the monster packs. Just stepping out of the staircase lead to a doom knight boss pack (extra fast, cursed) that killed Nemesis at least five times. They were accompanied by a few pit lords that took three sets of charge-up and release cycles to kill a single one. The weapon/boots Nemesis had were simply
lacking enough punch to deal with the monsters. So a few more items needed to be muled on; Gore Riders and a Bartuc's Cut-Throat. Afterwards Nemesis was able to deal with the monster packs, it still wasn't a breeze but manageable.
At arriving at the Chaos Sanctuary she realized something, Cloak of Shadows apparently doesn't affect Oblivion Knights, as they kept cursing her. This lead to several deaths to IM before the player settings were dropped to one for the rest of the level. The same held true in the WSK against the Oblivion knights that spawned there as well. Lovely. Ended up with a nasty roll for the 3rd level, Revivers coupled with a level simply full of Gloams. It was just plain silly, but being stubborn I refused to reroll the map, and died several times as a result.
Finally Hell was reached, which means Nemesis can be twinkled up to her eyebrows, and she was: helm, armor, rings, amulet, belt and a second weapon to join the twinkled main weapon, boots and gloves already present. After that she simply ran, literally, through Hell. With all of the bonus skill points given by equipment Nemesis had Burst of Speed up to a very respectable level, too much actually. Took quite a bit of getting used to how fast she could move.
One thing that did cause problems is the fact that more often than not I could not see how many light balls were circling her feet. This became a problem when using Phoenix Strike, I had no idea which elemental attack was going to be released. This lead to many of them being wasted due to being directed on immune monsters, but also to 17 skill points being unused at the end of the game. Since I couldn't control which element to release I didn't want to use the points in synergies when a need may arise for them later. No need arose however so I think I'll dump them all into Blades of Ice, since the last charge is a little easier to control even if Claws of Thunder was my first choice when planning the character.
Nemesis didn't encounter any terrible problems until the Chaos Sanctuary in Act IV, due to the Oblivion Knights and IM. Since Cloak of Shadows doesn't affect OKs she struggled greatly in this area and received her first death in Hell, then several more followed close behind. This was a signal for things to come in Act V, as in the Bloody Foothills Nemesis and her companions were greeted with hordes of ranged monsters. Cloak of Shadows was used liberally to allow Nemesis to clear out small packs at a time. Going was slow but steady until the Ancients.
The Ancients had a dangerous set of mods. Talic (Whirlwind) was extra fast and spectral hit enhanced while Korlic was extra fast and stone skin. Of course both of them zeroed in on Nemesis and completely ignored her companions. This resulted in several minutes of her running around (with BoS enabled) with both hot on her heels. Since they were just as fast splitting up the Ancients simply wasn't possible, so hit and fade tactics had to be used to eliminate Madawc first and then corner Talic and Korlic behind a pillar where they couldn't see Nemesis. At this point they engaged Alhizeer and the Shadow Master, mostly the Shadow Master. This was good as Nemesis had run out of purple and red potions by this point.
Eventually they fell, then the WSK gave an extremely challenging combination of monsters to test Nemesis' skill and courage. Level 1 was easy, level 2 had Souls and Snakes, level 3 had Oblivion Knights and level 4 was fulled with Souls, Hell Witches and Death Lords. The last level was virtually unfair, fighting cursed with Amplify damage constantly against multiple bosspacks and champion packs of Death Lords, who in my opinion are the most dangerous melee monsters in the game.
Needless to say many mercenary resurrections were required, but eventually Baal was engaged and defeated, even though he felt his clone needed to remain a constant companion. Nemesis used a little trick to deal her damage; she charged up on the festering appendages that Baal kept summoning then released their charges on Baal himself. Since she had issues hitting Baal this was the only way to drop the Lord of Destruction.
Level 81
Strength - 94(161)
Dexterity - 86(116)
Vitality - 295(305)
Energy - 25(35)
Life - 1095(1267)
Mana - 145(184)
Lightning Resistance - 75
Fire Resistance - 75
Cold Resistance - 75
Poison Resistance - 75
Tiger Strike - 20(29)
Phoenix Strike - 20(29)
Dragon Tail - 20(29)
Dragon Flight - 1(10)
Fade - 1(7)
Shadow Master - 1(7)
Weapon 1: Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Shael)
Weapon 2: Jade Talon (24% CR jewel)
Armor: Duriel's Shell
Boots: Gore Rider
Belt: +15 Strength, FR 25%, LR 25%, 24% FHR, PLR 25%
Gloves: PR 25%, 20% IAS, +2 Martial Art skills
Helm: +18 Resist All, 6% Mana steal, +2 Assassin skills
Ring 1: +7 Strength, +22 Mana, LR 28%
Ring 2: Nature's Peace
Amulet: The Mahim-Oak Curio
Mercenary (Holy Freeze Desert Warrior):
Helm: Tal Rasha's Crest
Armor: Shaftstop
Weapon: The Reaper's Toll
NM: Um
Hell: Hel
As can be expected Normal was a bit difficulty to begin with, but once Tiger Strike was maximized the questing was fairly basic. Tactics weren't really required yet, even untwinkled. I did however have great difficulty once more skills became available. Up to this point I've always utilized the F* keys for my skills as normally I use no more than six skills overall. However for an assassin this simply wasn't possible. As a result I had to bind the A-S-D-F-Q-W-E-R-T keys, as I was finding myself getting more and more frustrated by the fact I couldn't select the needed skills quickly enough. Obviously this lead to some confusion for a while right after the switch trying to use potions, as my hand was in a different location. I can attribute a few Normal deaths to this issue.

Afterwards progress was fairly good. Charge-ups were used everywhere, no more normal attacks. The most dangerous monsters were either manaburn or undead, due to the inability to leech from them. Up until Act IV the normal packs were manageable, as were the act bosses. Duriel required some thawing potions as Nemesis still has zero, well now -30%, cold resistance. Duriel was also the only act boss to require a trip back to town to restock on health potions, both Andariel and Mephisto were easily dealt with due to the ability to leech from them.
Act IV lead to more problems due to the ramped up health/damage of the monster packs. Just stepping out of the staircase lead to a doom knight boss pack (extra fast, cursed) that killed Nemesis at least five times. They were accompanied by a few pit lords that took three sets of charge-up and release cycles to kill a single one. The weapon/boots Nemesis had were simply
lacking enough punch to deal with the monsters. So a few more items needed to be muled on; Gore Riders and a Bartuc's Cut-Throat. Afterwards Nemesis was able to deal with the monster packs, it still wasn't a breeze but manageable.
At arriving at the Chaos Sanctuary she realized something, Cloak of Shadows apparently doesn't affect Oblivion Knights, as they kept cursing her. This lead to several deaths to IM before the player settings were dropped to one for the rest of the level. The same held true in the WSK against the Oblivion knights that spawned there as well. Lovely. Ended up with a nasty roll for the 3rd level, Revivers coupled with a level simply full of Gloams. It was just plain silly, but being stubborn I refused to reroll the map, and died several times as a result.
Finally Hell was reached, which means Nemesis can be twinkled up to her eyebrows, and she was: helm, armor, rings, amulet, belt and a second weapon to join the twinkled main weapon, boots and gloves already present. After that she simply ran, literally, through Hell. With all of the bonus skill points given by equipment Nemesis had Burst of Speed up to a very respectable level, too much actually. Took quite a bit of getting used to how fast she could move.
One thing that did cause problems is the fact that more often than not I could not see how many light balls were circling her feet. This became a problem when using Phoenix Strike, I had no idea which elemental attack was going to be released. This lead to many of them being wasted due to being directed on immune monsters, but also to 17 skill points being unused at the end of the game. Since I couldn't control which element to release I didn't want to use the points in synergies when a need may arise for them later. No need arose however so I think I'll dump them all into Blades of Ice, since the last charge is a little easier to control even if Claws of Thunder was my first choice when planning the character.

The Ancients had a dangerous set of mods. Talic (Whirlwind) was extra fast and spectral hit enhanced while Korlic was extra fast and stone skin. Of course both of them zeroed in on Nemesis and completely ignored her companions. This resulted in several minutes of her running around (with BoS enabled) with both hot on her heels. Since they were just as fast splitting up the Ancients simply wasn't possible, so hit and fade tactics had to be used to eliminate Madawc first and then corner Talic and Korlic behind a pillar where they couldn't see Nemesis. At this point they engaged Alhizeer and the Shadow Master, mostly the Shadow Master. This was good as Nemesis had run out of purple and red potions by this point.
Eventually they fell, then the WSK gave an extremely challenging combination of monsters to test Nemesis' skill and courage. Level 1 was easy, level 2 had Souls and Snakes, level 3 had Oblivion Knights and level 4 was fulled with Souls, Hell Witches and Death Lords. The last level was virtually unfair, fighting cursed with Amplify damage constantly against multiple bosspacks and champion packs of Death Lords, who in my opinion are the most dangerous melee monsters in the game.
Needless to say many mercenary resurrections were required, but eventually Baal was engaged and defeated, even though he felt his clone needed to remain a constant companion. Nemesis used a little trick to deal her damage; she charged up on the festering appendages that Baal kept summoning then released their charges on Baal himself. Since she had issues hitting Baal this was the only way to drop the Lord of Destruction.
Level 81
Strength - 94(161)
Dexterity - 86(116)
Vitality - 295(305)
Energy - 25(35)
Life - 1095(1267)
Mana - 145(184)
Lightning Resistance - 75
Fire Resistance - 75
Cold Resistance - 75
Poison Resistance - 75
Tiger Strike - 20(29)
Phoenix Strike - 20(29)
Dragon Tail - 20(29)
Dragon Flight - 1(10)
Fade - 1(7)
Shadow Master - 1(7)
Weapon 1: Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Shael)
Weapon 2: Jade Talon (24% CR jewel)
Armor: Duriel's Shell
Boots: Gore Rider
Belt: +15 Strength, FR 25%, LR 25%, 24% FHR, PLR 25%
Gloves: PR 25%, 20% IAS, +2 Martial Art skills
Helm: +18 Resist All, 6% Mana steal, +2 Assassin skills
Ring 1: +7 Strength, +22 Mana, LR 28%
Ring 2: Nature's Peace
Amulet: The Mahim-Oak Curio
Mercenary (Holy Freeze Desert Warrior):
Helm: Tal Rasha's Crest
Armor: Shaftstop
Weapon: The Reaper's Toll
NM: Um
Hell: Hel
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Diablo II: Pindlethon IV
A Pindlethon is an event run about once per year in the SPF. The basic idea is that each participant kills Pindleskin two thousand times during the month long event. Each elite unique and set item is considered a qualifier and those numbers are tracked. The participant with the best 5 items wins. Normally the top few players get to take an item or two from those below them, but that was left out of this Pindlethon. That was something I don't mind too much since I found several grailers that I didn't want to lose, and since I'm self found if my some miracle I won I wouldn't be taking items from anyone.
Here's the loot I collected during my runs.
Spirit Ward
Defense: 446
Chance to Block: 69%
Smite Damage: 11 to 35
Durability: 67 of 100
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 68
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xafc33759
+161% Enhanced Defense
+25% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +37
25% Faster Block Rate
+6 Cold Absorb
5% Chance to cast Level 8 Fade when struck
M'avina's True Sight
Defense: 210
Durability: 10 of 20
Required Level: 64
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x67d2e9e6
+25 to Mana
+150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
30% Increased Attack Speed
M'avina's True Sight
Defense: 207
Durability: 19 of 20
Required Level: 64
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x58423fc5
+25 to Mana
+150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
30% Increased Attack Speed
Griswold's Valor
Defense: 270
Durability: 37 of 50
Required Strength: 104
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x31e1bfa3
+63% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +5
26% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Requirements -40%
+0 to Cold Absorb (Based on Character Level)
The Cranium Basher
Thunder Maul
Two-Hand Damage: 130 to 624
Required Strength: 253
Required Level: 87
Mace Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x2062bd2d
+25 to Strength
+236% Enhanced Damage
+20 to Minimum Damage
+20 to Maximum Damage
All Resistances +25
20% Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage to Undead
75% Chance of Crushing Blow
4% Chance to cast Level 1 Amplify Damage on striking
The rest of the finds:
Bloodmoon x2
Demon Limb x2
Eschuta's Temper
Ethereal Edge
IK Stone Crusher
M'avina's Embrace
Naj's Puzzler
Ondal's Almighty
Ormus' Robes
Rainbow Facet (3/3 lightning)
Trang-Oul's Guise
Wraith Flight
Best runes: Amn - Shael - Hel
It was a fairly bad showing on my part, as I didn't receive a single vote. A lot of that had to do with the fact I ended up with the second least amount of items of anyone who completed their run set. Runs took about forty-five seconds apiece, which is a bit long for such runs but I like to pick up many rare items looking for endgame gear so lots of extra time is taken identifying and selling items. However I did find several items I've never seen before, most notably M'avina's True Sight which gets me one item closer to finishing the set as well as providing solid equipment for my planned bowazons.
Here's the loot I collected during my runs.
Spirit Ward
Defense: 446
Chance to Block: 69%
Smite Damage: 11 to 35
Durability: 67 of 100
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 68
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xafc33759
+161% Enhanced Defense
+25% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +37
25% Faster Block Rate
+6 Cold Absorb
5% Chance to cast Level 8 Fade when struck
M'avina's True Sight
Defense: 210
Durability: 10 of 20
Required Level: 64
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x67d2e9e6
+25 to Mana
+150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
30% Increased Attack Speed
M'avina's True Sight
Defense: 207
Durability: 19 of 20
Required Level: 64
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x58423fc5
+25 to Mana
+150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
30% Increased Attack Speed
Griswold's Valor
Defense: 270
Durability: 37 of 50
Required Strength: 104
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x31e1bfa3
+63% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +5
26% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Requirements -40%
+0 to Cold Absorb (Based on Character Level)
The Cranium Basher
Thunder Maul
Two-Hand Damage: 130 to 624
Required Strength: 253
Required Level: 87
Mace Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x2062bd2d
+25 to Strength
+236% Enhanced Damage
+20 to Minimum Damage
+20 to Maximum Damage
All Resistances +25
20% Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage to Undead
75% Chance of Crushing Blow
4% Chance to cast Level 1 Amplify Damage on striking
The rest of the finds:
Bloodmoon x2
Demon Limb x2
Eschuta's Temper
Ethereal Edge
IK Stone Crusher
M'avina's Embrace
Naj's Puzzler
Ondal's Almighty
Ormus' Robes
Rainbow Facet (3/3 lightning)
Trang-Oul's Guise
Wraith Flight
Best runes: Amn - Shael - Hel
It was a fairly bad showing on my part, as I didn't receive a single vote. A lot of that had to do with the fact I ended up with the second least amount of items of anyone who completed their run set. Runs took about forty-five seconds apiece, which is a bit long for such runs but I like to pick up many rare items looking for endgame gear so lots of extra time is taken identifying and selling items. However I did find several items I've never seen before, most notably M'avina's True Sight which gets me one item closer to finishing the set as well as providing solid equipment for my planned bowazons.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Java: DII Character Simulator Update #4
The rest of the groundwork for the application was completed with the addition of listeners to each and every JButton, JComboBox and JCheckBox. The equipment tabs were fairly simply due to how similar they are, the code was written for one and then copied to each other class file with only minor adjustments required. These listeners don't do anything yet as the methods that govern the program aren't written, but that is all that is required code-wise for this section.
As for the final stats tab, more than just listeners were added. Along with finishing up any needed listeners the entire page was reworked, specifically the skill display panel was removed. I decided that it was going to be a duplication of work as that same information would be available in the skill calculator tab, so doing it twice was unnecessary. Also, the layout of the final stats panel was a bit crowded, and this freed up the needed space.
Some functionality was added to the buttons and fields of this tab as well. Specifically:
Stat Points panel
Button panel
Mods of Note panel
Damage/AR panel
In order to track changes to mods, life, mana and resistances a trio of arrays were created that would hold any additions to these values.
static int[] resistance = {0, 0, 0, 0};
static int[] stats = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static int[] modsOfNote = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
These arrays will be present in each equipment class as well as the final stat class. When an action is taken that could possibly add to any of these values, whether it be adding a vitality point to a piece of equipment, the values of these arrays are summed and the result displayed in the appropriate JTextField.
The only fields that aren't attached to any methods or listeners at this time are the Damage/AR and Misc Mods panels. I'm going to wait until the rest of the program is in place before getting these panels working. This means the next step is to finish the Skill Calculator tab by locating the necessary equations for calculating the skill values and implement a way to view skill bonuses in that tab.
As for the final stats tab, more than just listeners were added. Along with finishing up any needed listeners the entire page was reworked, specifically the skill display panel was removed. I decided that it was going to be a duplication of work as that same information would be available in the skill calculator tab, so doing it twice was unnecessary. Also, the layout of the final stats panel was a bit crowded, and this freed up the needed space.
Some functionality was added to the buttons and fields of this tab as well. Specifically:
Stat Points panel
- Plus button has check to ensure points can't be added if no points available
- Minus button has check to ensure points can't be removed if the base value is displayed
- Points to Vitality increase the displayed life value
- Points to Energy increase the displayed mana value
Button panel
- Character name changed depending on which character type selected in the skills tab
- Change in Difficulty Finished JComboBox increases the stat points remaining and resistance values
- Change in character level JComboBox changes remaining stat point value as well as mana/life values
Mods of Note panel
- The Blocking field was moved to this panel from the Damage/AR panel
Damage/AR panel
- Blocking was removed
- Attack rating and Damage fields for Undead and Demon were added
In order to track changes to mods, life, mana and resistances a trio of arrays were created that would hold any additions to these values.
static int[] resistance = {0, 0, 0, 0};
static int[] stats = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static int[] modsOfNote = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
These arrays will be present in each equipment class as well as the final stat class. When an action is taken that could possibly add to any of these values, whether it be adding a vitality point to a piece of equipment, the values of these arrays are summed and the result displayed in the appropriate JTextField.
The only fields that aren't attached to any methods or listeners at this time are the Damage/AR and Misc Mods panels. I'm going to wait until the rest of the program is in place before getting these panels working. This means the next step is to finish the Skill Calculator tab by locating the necessary equations for calculating the skill values and implement a way to view skill bonuses in that tab.
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