Bob is a Fishymancer out of the No Vitality tournament. He also has the distinction of being my very first guardian so yes I am very proud of him. I only play HC in tournaments, and my next closest guardian was a lightning sorceress in Skunkbelly's Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other tournament that died in Act V Hell.
Anyway, for those that aren't in the tournament, the basic premise is that no

Bob is a traditionally build Fishymancer, so:
Skeleton Mastery: 20
Raise Skeleton: 20
Raise Skeletal Mage: 20
Corpse Explosion: 20
Decrepify: 1
Revive: 1
Summon Resist: 1
Dim Vision: 1
Bone Armor: 1
One in all the prerequisites as well. That last one (Bone Armor) was quite key, I'm sure it saved Bob more times than I can count, especially in the beginning of the tournament when Bob had so little life.
Obviously +life and +vitality items were prized and those were equipped before anything else, except maybe lightning/fire resistance items. This resulted in some interesting stat numbers:
Strength: 151 (156)
Dexterity: 25 (31)
Vitality: 15 (57)
Energy: 25 (45)
Life: 226 (621)
Mana: 187 (397)
Helm: Peasant Crown (Ort)
Weapon: Ume's Lament
Shield: Spirit Monarch
Armor: Gothic - 38 life, 60% FR, 30% LR
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws
Boots: Tearhaunch
Belt: Plated - 96 life
Amulet: 33 mana, +2 summoning skills
Ring 1: 30% FR
Ring 2: 12% resist all
Helm: Circlet - 15 life, 98 AR, 36% FR, 14% LR, 14% CR, 14% PR
Weapon: Hwanin's Justice
Armor: Hwanin's Refuge
Overall Bob was quite fun, and frustrating to play. I've never actually gotten a Fishymancer all the way through Hell before, HC or SC, as I got bored. However I believe being a tournament and HC was enough incentive to keep me glued to playing him. His minions kept running all over the place and I truly wished I had found a teleport amulet to organize things easier. By far the hardest places were the indoor areas with narrow corridors: Act II tombs, Catacombs, Act III dungeons/sewers. More often than not the army didn't want to walk through the door until Bob had, which isn't very healthy for Bob as I couldn't see what was on the other side. I ended up using the clay golem as a scout, casting it into the next room and then watching what it did. Slow, but fairly safe.
Going was fairly slow but constant in Normal and NM, it was in Hell that he really shined. Reason for this is that Normal/NM was run on /p8 while Hell at /p1, so Corpse Explosion became available and viable in Hell. By the end of it Bob had quite the army going:
1 might mercenary (Mizan)
1 clay golem
11 skeleton warriors
11 skeleton mages
8 revives
Enough meat shields to keep elemental attacks away from Bob. His three worst enemies were Gloams (of course), Slingers (piercing attack) and Oblivion Knights (IM). Thankfully they never all appeared at the same time.
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